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Writer's pictureStephen Turner

How you can become an Instagram influencer: 10 easy steps to become a Social Media Influencer today.

Influencer marketing is one of the trending marketing phenomena that everyone is mad about. It has become one of the amazing marketing tactics and is now being practiced by every brand and agency.

As of now, we have seen a rise in Influencers in every major industry. And brands are using them for the promotion of their products now more than ever. Being an influencer has become so profitable that every tom dick and harry want to become an influencer in their respective domains.

If you also aspire to be an Instagram influencer, then you stumble upon the right place. In this article, we will discuss how a\you can become a successful Instagram influencer. So let’s get started.

1. Choose your Niche: Before you start your journey to becoming an Influencer, You need to choose your niche that entices you and for which you can consistently create content. Also, you must have some level of expertise in the field to be able to establish yourself as an influencer. Also some choose to buy instagram followers just to kickstart their journey.

If you want to become an influencer, you need to do consistent research and post content in your selected niche. This is the reason why you need to choose something for which you have passion and where you enjoy spending your time.

Whether you love motor vlogging or have an interest in cooking or you are into DIY crafts, you need to find your calling. You may also go for more than one interest. But remember don’t make it too broad.

2. Optimization of your Social Media Handles: Once you finalize your niche and interest, the next step is about targeted social media platforms and have to create and optimize your profiles. Nowadays most influencers are famous on one or two social media channels.

After selecting your preferred channel, you need to either optimize your existing profile or go with making a new one.

3. Switching from regular to a business account: You need to switch to an Instagram Business account from your regular Instagram account as it opens a lot more options. Most of the popular social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and more have an option in their profile settings to create a business account.

4. Create a fascinating Bio: Your profile Bio is the first thing that one sees when he/she visit your Instagram profiles, therefore it’s an important step of making a long-lasting impression on the visitor. You should write your bio which engages your visitor. It should consist of all important information such as name, contact details, location, your niche, etc.

5. Add your Profile Picture: You need to add a profile picture and cover photo as many social media platforms allow that. Profile pic is an important component of brand identity. Users often recognize a social media platform by the display picture, so you need to select the appealing picture. Make sure your face is visible in the picture and it’s of good quality.

6. Understand your potential audience: You need to study and research the likes and dislike of your targeted audience. Creating content and posting that on social media comes into the light much later. You need to create a strong bond with your audience.

To become a successful influencer, it is really important to know the interest of the audience you are targeting and then make a loyal followers base. To understand your audience you can take the help of Instagram insights and analyze your current followers count.

7. Create relevant content: The next step to become an influencer is to post relevant content for your audience. The more you can engage with your audience, the higher the chances that people will be influenced by your opinions, thoughts, and recommendations.

This is the most important requirement to be a successful influencer on Instagram, is that your follower base listens to you.

You need to make a content strategy and use different content types, especially the one with which your audience has interacted the most.

Make sure you keep your content strategy focused on your niche, but it shouldn’t be too narrow. While making the strategy, always think of a long run and start preparing for it.

8. Be consistent while posting: After you decide what content to post, you need to finalize a posting frequency and schedule. Many social media platforms algorithms give importance to account that post and engage regularly. We have seen this thing on Instagram where regular posting frequency results in more visibility.

It’s up to you whether you want to post daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or at any other frequency that you’re comfortable with. This thing also depends on the platform you are considering. Let’s take an example of Twitter which requires a higher posting frequency, whereas on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube you can post once or twice a week. You also need to select the day and time that you will post and be consistent. According to a study by Sprout Social, the engagement rates are higher during the late morning and afternoon hours midweek. Wednesday is considered the best day for Facebook and Instagram.

9. Engage with your potential audience: As you start posting content on social media you will often get likes and comments on your posts. As an influencer, it is essential to connect with their followers. So you should not ignore these comments. Several Influencers even practice buy instagram likes and comments.

It is considered a good practice to reply to comments and queries that your audience asks you. You can also show your appreciation just by liking the comments.

10. Approach or letting the brands know that you’re open for collaborations: The final step to becoming an influencer is to show it to the world. You need to come out and declare yourself as an influencer who is interested in collaboration with the brands.

You can do it by mentioning it in your bio, or you can do outreach and DM the relevant brands with a pitch on what you can offer. It is best to design an outreach template in advance because this will save you a lot of time.

Also nowadays there are lots of Influencer platforms where brands and influencers can find each other. You can even contact an agency that will help you get brand collaborations.

Instagrammers also do that in an indirect way that is by tagging brands and mentioning them when they post about their products in their posts.


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